Ingredients: Essential oils are typically derived from plant extracts. The ingredients may include a variety of botanicals, each contributing to the overall aroma and potential therapeutic properties.

Scent Profile: The name "Soulful" suggests that the essential oil blend may have a fragrance designed to evoke feelings of warmth, relaxation, or emotional well-being. The specific scent profile will depend on the combination of essential oils used.

Unisex: The term "unisex" indicates that the fragrance is intended for both men and women. It implies a balanced and neutral scent that is universally appealing.

Size: The product is specified as a 10ml essential oil. This is a common size for essential oils, and it allows for convenient use and storage.

Brand - Aromaworks:

Aromaworks is likely the brand producing this essential oil. Brands often have their unique approach to sourcing, formulating, and presenting essential oil products.

Usage: Essential oils can be used in various ways, including aromatherapy, diffusing, dilution in carrier oils for massage, or adding to bathwater. It's important to check the product instructions for specific usage recommendations.

Cautions: Essential oils are potent and should be used with care. Users should be aware of any potential contraindications, and it's advisable to perform a patch test before applying directly to the skin.


EAN 5060283070362
Gender Unisex
Brand Aromaworks

Aromaworks Soulful Unisex 10ml Essential Oil

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AEDĀ 90.93
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Ingredients: Essential oils are typically derived from plant extracts. The ingredients may include a variety of botanicals, each contributing to the overall aroma and potential therapeutic properties.

Scent Profile: The name "Soulful" suggests that the essential oil blend may have a fragrance designed to evoke feelings of warmth, relaxation, or emotional well-being. The specific scent profile will depend on the combination of essential oils used.

Unisex: The term "unisex" indicates that the fragrance is intended for both men and women. It implies a balanced and neutral scent that is universally appealing.

Size: The product is specified as a 10ml essential oil. This is a common size for essential oils, and it allows for convenient use and storage.

Brand - Aromaworks:

Aromaworks is likely the brand producing this essential oil. Brands often have their unique approach to sourcing, formulating, and presenting essential oil products.

Usage: Essential oils can be used in various ways, including aromatherapy, diffusing, dilution in carrier oils for massage, or adding to bathwater. It's important to check the product instructions for specific usage recommendations.

Cautions: Essential oils are potent and should be used with care. Users should be aware of any potential contraindications, and it's advisable to perform a patch test before applying directly to the skin.


EAN 5060283070362
Gender Unisex
Brand Aromaworks